ProActive Blog
News & Information

Carleton Place Canadians Junior A Team Welcomes Continued Partnership with ProActive Athletic Therapy for 2024-25 Season
ProActive Athletic Therapy Continues Partnership with Carleton Place Jr A Canadians for Third Year We’re excited to

Meet Stephanie: Our Doctor of Athletic Therapy in Training
Meet Stephanie, our soon to be resident Doctor of Athletic Therapy! Here she talks about putting theory

Rolling Out The Benefit Of Foam Rollers!
It uses the pressure of your body weight on foam applied to certain body areas to relieve

Medical Imaging Myth-Busters!
Did you know that pain is NOT a purely physical experience when we feel it?

Osteoarthritis (OA) Is NOT A Sign Of Getting Old!
Contrary to what some people think, physical activities DO NOT wear and tear joints!

Overcoming The Top 3 Barriers To Living An Active Lifestyle
We all know that adopting an active lifestyle is the golden ticket to improving your overall physical

Suffering From Shoulder Pain? You NEED Movement!
Let me help you understand why shoulder pain can keep recurring and what to do about it.

Three Most Common Mistakes Runners Make
Three Most Common Mistakes Runners Make and how to fix them.